The Prophecies of Krlll

The Prophecies of Krill

The Prophecies of Krlll

On the 4000th year in the Korhonen calender the Korhonen will begin to peer into the Devils nest from close to home only to see the devil in their infant stages. The Devils will be learning to build, to accomplice and to annihilate. They will one day bring terrible doom and destruction to a hundred worlds. And it is almost too late to bring and end to their evil ways.

Nine thousand years will pass, the Korhonen still gazing into the Devils nest, until a fallen angel is risen once again only to have her treasures stolen. But those whom the angel belongs to will be angry and to demonstrate their anger they will pluck a jewel out of the sky with a great light. From this time the future is certain. There is no going back. Armageddon is coming and only the pure will survive.

But when the Empire is expanding to the stars for a second time problems closer to home will emerge, when those who can walk minds start removing those who can't the planet shall burn for twenty years. And for another thousand years those responsible will remain free. During this time the Korhonen will travel to the Devils homeland and study their enemy, but this time they will suffer the devil's wrath and all that are peering closely into the nest will be annihilated by the divine light.

700 cycles later what the Korhonen already have is discovered to be the same as what is promptly destroyed by those who know what it is. What they already have is the Korhonen's only hope. But the Korhonen will be wary when several vultures are encountered under a red star as they will be there, fighting side by side with the devil in their greatest hour of need.

But after a great battle with the vultures among the rocks the Korhonen will fall, and although the battle is taken to the vultures nest there will be a new enemy waiting to help. As the enemy closes in the only hope for survival will come through a strong home. But just as everything falls apart the period of pain will be brought to an end by those whom the Korhonen already possess an object of their labour.

But when the Korhonen return to the devils nest to teach and to watch they will strike at the Korhonen's holiest beliefs prompting them to take bloody revenge. But just as the Devil's are almost destroyed the vultures will come to the Devils aid and will pull the devils out of their nest and into the stars. The devils will then spread throughout the stars until they are in the perfect position to spread terror. And in the year the sky's across the galaxy go dark and when havoc reigns the end has begun. The devils will take their wrath out on everything and anything, but in the galaxies darkest hour the divine light will spread, annihilating all but the pure and restoring order to the galaxy.

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The Krlll prophecies makes a confusing document. During its translation from Korhonen by Dr. S Waller some have said it has become even more confusing. Through-ough the document Devils and Vultures are referred to, these are believed to mean humans and the Mogensen. Below is a table containing actual passages and their probable meanings:

Passage Possible Meaning
"On the 4000th year in the Korhonen calender the Korhonen will begin to peer into the Devils nest from close to home only to see the devil in their infant stages." This may be referring to the telescope built around Zeta Reticuli 4, 30,000 years ago which was watching Earth, seeing as humanity evolved.
"Nine thousand years will pass, the Korhonen still gazing into the Devils nest, until a fallen angel is risen once again only to have her treasures stolen." This is thought to refer to the Unknown ship discovered deep within Korhonen Prime which is being reverse engineered even today.
"But those whom the angel belongs to will be angry and to demonstrate their anger they will pluck a jewel out of the sky with a great light." This is thought to refer to the star system destroyed by a Vaipen Planet killer 21,000 years ago.
"But when the Empire is expanding to the stars for a second time problems closer to home will emerge, when those who can walk minds start removing those who can't the planet shall burn for twenty years. And for another thousand years those responsible will remain free." This refers to the second period of expansion into the stars, which was interrupted by a rebellion led by non-telepaths, who where being murdered. During this time the Korhonen capitol was reduced to ashes and due to terrorist activities and massive fire-storms the planet was literally on fire for 20 years, and it wasn't for 1000 years that all the non-telepaths on Korhonen Prime were killed.
"During this time the Korhonen will travel to the Devils homeland and study their enemy, but this time they will suffer the devil's wrath and all that are peering closely into the nest will be destroyed by the divine light." This refers to the Korhonen establishing several bases in Sol in 10,000 BC. All these bases where later destroyed by a Vaipen Planetkiller, except the one on Mars which was abandoned soon after.
"700 cycles later what the Korhonen already have is discovered to be the same as what is promptly destroyed by those who know what it is." This is perhaps the most confusing quote, but it is believed that what they already have is the unknown ship that the korhonen discovered and it refers to the incident where the Ovaska destroyed an Unknown hulk in Korhonen space.
"But the Korhonen will be wary when several vultures are encountered under a red star as they will be there, fighting side by side with the devil in their greatest hour of need." The Vultures are said to be the Mogensen as their ships bear a resemblance to Vultures. They also helped the Humans after the war. This is thought to be the reason why the Korhonen attacked the Mogensen on first contact at Arctures.
"But after a great battle with the vultures among the rocks the Korhonen will fall, and although the battle is taken to the vultures nest there will be a new enemy waiting to help. As the enemy closes in the only hope for survival will come through a strong home. But just as everything falls apart the period of pain will be brought to an end by those whom the Korhonen already possess an object of their labour." The battle among the rocks mentioned appears to be a reference to the Battle of the Belt where the Mogensen defeated the Korhonen 6th fleet. The new enemy is thought to be the Elarien whom helped the Mogensen as their homeworld was about to fall. The Elarien's emergence caused the Korhonen to strengthen defenses around homeworld and just as the Korhonen was forced to its knees by the Elarien the Ovaska intervened to end the conflict.
"But when the Korhonen return to the devils nest to teach and to watch they will strike at the Korhonen's holyist beliefs prompting them to take bloody revenge. But just as the Devil's are almost destroyed the vultures will come to the Devils aid and will pull the devils out of their nest and into the stars." This segment refers to the Korhonen visiting earth until the Terran's violate the Korhonen's holy beliefs. Prompting them to take revenge, but then the Mogensen came to help the Terran's and to help them rebuild.
"will pull the devils out of their nest and into the stars until they are in the perfect position to spread terror." Thought to refer to Earths growing position in the galaxy.
"And in the year the sky's across the galaxy go dark and when havoc reigns the end has begun. The devils will take their wrath out on everything and anything, but in the galaxies darkest hour the divine light will spread, annihilating all but the pure and restoring order to the galaxy." This is a confusing passage and is thought to refer to a future event. The divine light may hint involvement of a powerful new race or perhaps a planetkiller which will selectively kill alien races.

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During the Korhonen year 3256 (approximately 33,865 BC) a Korhonen philosopher named Krlll was born in a small rural village on the edge of the western continent. Little is known about his early life but historians know that he lived in the Imperial Palace in 3278 where he served as the Emperor's advisor. His position in the palace came about due to his performance in preventing the assassination of the Head of the Armed Forces. He knew the assassination was going to happen and he knew where the assassin would be. This "feeling" prompted him to alert the authorities and he became the emperors advisor.

But in 3298 he disappeared from the palace and took up residence on a remote island, where he sat on a mountain staring up into the heavens. Then he began writing. He was found dead in his mountain home one year later and on his desk was the above document. The document was kept in the Imperial archive, with the body, until its release in 38187 (around the earth year 1066 AD).

There have been various theories about how he knew what is contained with in the document, titled the Krlll Prophecies, here are some of the more common reasons:

Today Krlll is regarded as one of the Korhonen's greatest philosophers.

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See Also:
Korhonen Race Information
Korhonen Recipes

Collins Encyclopedia Galactica - All Contents © Eddie Collins , Chris Page & Rob Asumendi